3️⃣Pokegochi Adults

Pokegochi Adults are the most advanced forms of Pokegochi life in existance. Adult Pokegochi are extrlemely powerfull, with some nation states declaring them a matter of national security.

How to mutate babies into Adults.

Pokegochi require $XP tokens to mutate.

$XP is earned through battle or through trade.

Each pokegochi baby requires 3,000 $XP to mutate into an Adult.

To mutate Pokegochi, send exactly 3,000 $XP tokens to this address:


Make sure the wallet you send the $XP from has the baby you want to mutate. Mutations are done manually and might take up to 90 minutes to process.

Please send exact ammounts of 3,000 $XP, don't send any dust.

Send only $XP tokens.

Last updated