1️⃣Pokegochi Hatchlings

Pokegochi Hatchlings are the first stage in Pokegochi mutation. Hatchlings are maleable and adapt their shape in many ways.

How to hatch Pokegochi Eggs into Hatchlings.

Pokegochi Eggs can be turned into hatchlings at any time using the Pokegochi Hatching machine and some $SOL Tokens.

The cost of Hatching Pokegochi doubles every 300 Pokegochi or so.

Current hatching cost: 0.1 SOL

Hatchling Biology.

Pokegochi Hatchlings represent the initial phase in the remarkable lifecycle of Pokegochi creatures. These nascent beings are notable for their malleable forms, capable of adapting their shape in a variety of ways. At this embryonic stage, Hatchlings are devoid of limbs, a characteristic that underscores their primordial nature.

Hatchlings manifest in several basic geometrical shapes, including spheres, cubes, and cylinders. This variety in form is thought to be a reflection of the inherent magical properties within the Pokegochi realm. Among these, the rare Wisp Hatchlings are particularly coveted by caretakers for their ethereal appearance and elusive nature. Wisp Hatchlings, shimmering with a soft inner light, seem to defy the conventional laws of physicality.

The care and nurturing of Pokegochi Hatchlings are tasks that require dedication and a deep understanding of their unique needs. Caretakers must provide an environment that supports their growth and development. This includes the accumulation of $XP, a form of experiential currency that is vital for their mutation. Hatchlings require 1,500 $XP to undergo the mutation process into the next stage of their lifecycle, known as Pokegochi Babies.

Mutate Pokegochi Hatchlings into Babies.

Pokegochi require $XP tokens to mutate.

$XP is earned through battle or through trade.

Each pokegochi Hatchling requires 1,500 $XP to mutate into a baby.

To mutate Pokegochi, send exactly 1,500 $XP tokens to this address:


Make sure the wallet you send the $XP from has the hatchling you want to mutate. Mutations are done manually and might take up to 90 minutes to process.

Please send exact ammounts of 1,500 $XP, don't send any dust.

Send only $XP tokens.

Last updated